
quartcord is an extension for Quart - Python web framework which makes easy implementation of Discord OAuth2 API. After creating a discord client object, one can easily request authorization and hence any of the resources provided by the discord OAuth2 API under the available scope permissions.


  • Quart

  • pyjwt

  • aiohttp

  • oauthlib


  • cachetools

  • Async-OAuthlib


You can install quartcord directly from PyPI using PIP and following command in shell or command prompt:

python -m pip install -U quartcord

You can also install the latest development version (maybe unstable/broken) by using following command:

python -m pip install -U git+

Basic Usage

Here is a simple example to get users authorization token using OAuth2 and use it in exchange for fetching user’s details and display them on web page.

from quart import Quart, redirect, url_for
from quartcord import DiscordOAuth2Session, requires_authorization, Unauthorized

app = Quart(__name__)

app.secret_key = b"random bytes representing quart secret key"

app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] = 490732332240863233    # Discord client ID.
app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] = ""                # Discord client secret.
app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = ""                 # URL to your callback endpoint.
app.config["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] = ""                    # Required to access BOT resources.

discord = DiscordOAuth2Session(app)

async def login():
    return await discord.create_session()

async def callback():
    await discord.callback()
    return redirect(url_for(".me"))

async def redirect_unauthorized(e):
    return redirect(url_for("login"))

async def me():
    user = await discord.fetch_user()
    return f"""
            <img src='{user.avatar_url}' />

if __name__ == "__main__":